Scouts Winter Camp 2014

gopr4309We held our annual Scout Winter Camp for Winter 2014 Jan 17-19

Like the previous couple of years we held this camp at the beautiful facilities at Gracefield.  We headed out in the morning of January 17 and were setting up tents and piling snow for Quinzees by noon.
Saturday morning was beautiful and after a satisfying boiling-bag meal we excavated our Quinzees.
Check out some video
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Some of the scouts had a chat with coyotes
In the afternoon we hiked up to the look-out (through some pretty deep snow) and did some compass work
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In the evening we had some stories and songs around the campfire under the starry sky
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..before sleeping snug in our Quinzees
It was the first winter camp experience for 8 youth & 2 Scouters and all of us slept in Quinzees
Sunday morning saw us packing up, after working hard to bring down our Quinzees and working on a fire-lighting challenge.
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Here are some more pictures (click to advance)
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