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In 2011 Scouts Canada changed it’s uniforms for all sections. The 3rd Ottawa has adopted, as recommended, a phased-in approach, whereby all new youth members will wear the new uniforms, however the old style khaki uniforms are still acceptable. Starting with the 2014-2015 season all youth will be in the new style uniforms.
In order to assist our parents and youth in understanding where all the insignia and badges go on the uniforms, we have this Uniform section of our site which shows the placement of all badges and insignia, including 3rd-Ottawa specific Area and Council insignia. Use our drop-down navigation, above (by hovering over the Uniforms area of our navigation bar), or click on the section that pertains to you:
Beavers | Cubs | Scouts | Venturers
Scouts Canada also have a detailed website describing many of the differences and the details of the uniform changes, with images, which you can view here: http://www.scouts.ca/uniform/