Scouts First Camp of 2012-2013 Season: Survival Camp at Lac Phillippe

We have had our first camp of Fall 2012…

Survival Camp at Lac Philippe.  We headed out in the evening of September 28th, and were setting up tents in the twilight and under an amazing moon.

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Saturday morning was beautiful and after a satisfying feed on Scout real-deal pancakes with sausages and maple syrup we set out for a hike to the Lusk Caves.

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After testing the subterranean waters…still pretty chilly! we hiked back to our campsite to work on survival shelters.  Saturday evening saw a pre-emtive takedown of out tents while they were still dry,  investiture of 9 new youth and a Scouter in our troop, some songs around the campfire & a mug-up before rolling into our survival shelters with some warm rocks.

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To quote a scout on Sunday morning (after a few overnight showers) “it would have been sort of disappointing if it hadn’t rained”  and to quote another  “The best camp sleep ever”.

We finished up with breaking camp, and working on knife, axe & saw permits

Here are some more pictures (Click to advance):

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