Leaders trained on WordPress

On Thursday March 8, some of the leaders of the 3rd Ottawa gathered and learned how to manage and edit the new 3rd Ottawa WordPress site.  The session featured not only learning how to edit the site, but an immediate start to collaboration on the features on the site, functionality, uses, and even naming conventions.

The 3rd Ottawa website just became a community effort!  It was a fun and interactive session with sweet homemade treats from Connie, chocolates as a reward for good questions and comments from Nancy G., donations of beverages and chocolates from Nancy P. and Steven M., and great ideas and participation from all who attended – thank you all.

Parents, youth and leaders can look forward to new content and new capabilities out of the 3rd Ottawa site, and through our Leader resources page we are going to share what we build with the larger worldwide Scouting movement (and in fact have already started!)

We will be holding another training session in April for any leaders who would like a refresher or who could not attend.

Klondike 2012 winners!

On Sat., Feb.11 2012 the 3rd Ottawa Scouts entered two sleds in the annual Heritage Area Klondike Derby which took place at Lac Beauchamps, QC this year.

We are proud to say that both of our teams – our third year team and our mixed team of multiple years – each won FIRST PLACE in their category for the event!  Congratulations Scouts on a great effort and fantastic result.

Both of our 3rd Ottawa entries worked closely as a team, supporting each other and with lots of energy during the course of the entire day.  The 3rd Ottawa has been participating in the Klondike Derby for six years now, and in the last 3 years we have won first place for at least one of our teams.

Here are some images of the event.

Go 3rd Ottawa!

The new 3rd Ottawa Website

Way back in 2004, the 3rd Ottawa made the bold move to join the Internet era and launch our own website with it’s own domain name (thirdottawa.com).  Since that first site, we have not updated our style, design or the technology we use to manage the website.  This means we were still using arcane HTML software, FTP software, and other acronyms many never knew or knew how to use.

This new site is built using a content management system called WordPress. It will enable us to have many of the leaders and volunteers who run the 3rd Ottawa add content, update calendars, and generally provide you, the parents and youth who are so much a part of the 3rd Ottawa programs, with all the information you need!

Enjoy the site – click on the Section you are interested in (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Venturers) and you will be on your way!